Saturday 9 July 2016

The Mightiest of Metamorphoses - The Life Change called Kids!

"Having a baby dragged me, kicking and screaming, from the world of self-absorption" - Paul Reiser

Sometimes, life just happens. You're going about your daily routine, work, adventure,, adventure, blog....and then it hits you. You're having a baby. When standing on the precipice, nobody can explain exactly what the implications are but you understand they're going to be big! Well, my hiatus from documented adventures can be explained by not one, but two, additions to the family. 

The two little monkeys.  Certainly life's most rewarding adventure yet!
That's right, just when we'd finally normalized after the first life change, we thought it was time to "re-up" for the second tour. I'm not going to turn this into yet another "Therapeutic dump for parents" blog but I did want to explain why the number and frequency of travel adventures had come to an abrupt end. Trust me, nobody felt it more than me! 
They say life's biggest irony is when you're own genes stare back at you.  I'm pretty sure she's mine!
That said, I'm back! Not only am I back to adventuring but I have a weekend at home sans famille so I actually have the time AND energy to inconvenience a few billion electrons with this post! Read on.....

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